So much needs to be documented from the past two weeks, so I figured I better hurry and post before it turned into 3 weeks, and then I'll never catch up.
Summer couldn't have come at a more perfect time. When Beck was born he brought his big bros a new sprinkler to play outside with. They have had so much stinking fun being outside in the water. These pictures were the first day they played with this sprinkler and I laughed so hard watching them kick, jump, bounce, and play I nearly wet myself.
Brevin graduated from Kindergarten on Tuesday May 26th. He thought this was optional :) and when I informed him that it wasn't he was really nervous. I asked his teacher about it, and she told me that she thought it was because he was in the front row (Daniels genes darn it). So I tried to talk it up and we were going to make invitations and invite all of our family, but when it came right down to it, he only wanted Grandma Mary Ann to come. With a little persuasion from Jillene he agreed that she and Teagan could also come.
The graduation was so stinking cute. I lOVED the songs they sang, I was even teary eyed the whole time thinking about him getting big. I wish so much I could keep them bottled up! Brevin was scared to death the entire time. I have never even seen him that petrified. No smiles, all could tell he just wanted to get it over with.
Brevin's last day of school.I have some very creative little boys, and I chalk a lot of it up to the no tv watching at our house. So Kesler comes and asks me for some wood glue. Of course there was a little curiously, but I found some for them and he and Brevin spent a good hour in the garage and the back yard. They came to find me and show me these...
In case you're wondering...they are scarecrows. And the cutest stinking scarecrows I've ever seen. They put them in the garden (one lost it's head, so that's why there's only one standing). Brevin insisted on using the props for the picture, and the tough guy face.
In case you're wondering...they are scarecrows. And the cutest stinking scarecrows I've ever seen. They put them in the garden (one lost it's head, so that's why there's only one standing). Brevin insisted on using the props for the picture, and the tough guy face.
The next day. The boys decided they were going to catch some birds-yep, birds. They took an orange and placed some slices along the top of the fence. Then they found a hot dog roaster and some packaging tape and voila! Instant bird catcher. Unfortunately they didn't catch any birds, but a few slices did disappear.
On Memorial Day, we hesitantly went for a quick trip to Malad. The boys wanted to go fishing soooo badly, and I wanted to get some pictures of Beck with his namesake, Grandpa Farrell. So I said we'd be there first thing in the morning which I learned with a newborn and 3 children we got there about noon :)
My Grandpa was so cute with Beck. His eyes lit up as soon as we placed Beck next to him. He reached for the car seat and rocked him for a few minutes. Then he opened up his blanket and gave him a good looking over. It was adorable, and I'm so glad we made the trip. This moment alone was worth it.
Beck's first bath. He actually loved the tub. He was a little shocked initially, but settled right in. I told him he wouldn't fit into this family unless he loved the tub. Every night there's a battle over who gets to hold Beck before bed. Kesler was totally exhausted but insisted he hold his baby brother. His eyes were so heavy he couldn't take it. I told him to put his head down on the pillow and moments later he was sound asleep. Beck watched him for a few minutes and then dozed off too. I love this picture of them together.
Beck has been the most perfect baby ever! I think Bryson and I keep waiting for the goodness to wear off. We've certainly paid our dues with Brevin especially, but this is such a totally different experience. I finally understand why people like newborns! He sleeps and eats, and when he is awake, he never cries. He just looks around and listens to what's going on around him. We were even blessed with a couple of night where he slept the entire night away. CRAZY!! There was one night when he fell asleep at 8:00 and didn't wake up until 6:00 the next morning. This is totally foreign to us, but we'll take it!!
I have taken a ton of pictures of him, but I want to get his announcements finished before I post them, so here's just a taste of my perfect little chuga luga...