It feels like everything we do these days revolves around some form of baseball. Bryson is playing on a city league softball team, my nephew Brady is playing nearly every day on a legion baseball team, (often against Grady Burch whom we love) we have become awfully attached to the Spillet family and we all love going to watch Mason play, and of course, Brevin plays T-Ball twice a week formally, but all day every day my two boys are wearing mitts and begging me to pitch to them! Kelser takes a lot of pride in his role as "Bat Boy" and insists on wearing Brevin's cleats that are five sizes too big the minute we get home.
Brevin's friend Colbe has a wii that Brevin absolutely loves to play. I refuse to buy any gaming system because I know what I did with every single, solitary, spare second of my childhood...with blistered thumbs I tried to save the princess with Mario, Luigi, and my little brother, Tyson. So every time Brevin gets home from playing with Colbe he asks for a wii. Our most recent conversation went like this...
"Mom, can I have a wii?"
"But, I really want one."
"I am going to ask Santa Clause to bring me one for Christmas next you think he will bring me one?"
"Why not?"
"Because Santa Claus has to check with mommies to make sure they approve of his gifts, and I will tell him no."
"Well, I guess I will just ask the Easter Bunny for one then." and he walks away.